December 2017


In December of 2017 Almost Island celebrated a decade of work. At the Dialogues in December were Chinese poet Bei Dao, Moroccan poets Mohammed Bennis, Argentinian writer Sergio Chejfec, Arvind Krishna Mehrotra, Joy Goswami, I. Allan Sealy, Mangalesh Dabral and of course the Almost Island team of Sharmistha Mohanty, Vivek Narayanan and Rahul Soni. They were also joined by Chejfec’s translator Margaret Carson and literature scholars and professors Jared Stark and Emily Sun. The Dialogues were also the occasion for the release of Almost Island’s newest book, Baroni: A Journey, by Sergio Chejfec.

Earlier in the year saw the publication of Blind Screens by Ranjani Murali, winner the Almost Island Manuscript Competition held in 2016.

Press from 2017

In the age of litfests this model of intimate literary exchange is a vastly different experience, Dec 10, 2017, Urvashi Bahuguna

The anti-lit fest
The Hindu Dec 09, 2017, Sravasti Datta


December 2018


February 2015