Curves of Being: Four Poems

Curves of Being

is the way
a straight line bends
a little differently for everyone

the way space shows up
in things that have always
seemed unquestionably complete

the openings we need
so we may close those gaps.

is the way
we fit our understanding
into someone else’s bend

the way cups fill up
without needing to be told
they were made to be vessels

the outpourings we hear
before they have been spoken.

is the way
two bends or more
become one curve of knowing

the way lips turn up
in response to a face
saplings acknowledging light

the times we take a bow
to say thank you for seeing me.

Misunderstanding Change

Gayle hashtags free the nipple
as a reclaiming of self and space
of unjudged bodies for all people

In the basement of time, Dave finds elation
thrills himself, unable to understand
the seeming contradiction

He has never seen female skin
as the surface upon which
revolutions can begin

We have lost him to the endless sale
we may yet win his sons
and raise them to the power of Gayle

Chasing Green

see these new lanes?
the old ones have merged
to become the shoulder
where stopping is not allowed
even when you break down

no tears on the highway
whatever state you’re in
you know where the gas is?
step on it
keep thundering forward

work your ass off -
for blurs of distant victories
that may not be yours

but go! go! go!
the dream is fast fading
as the green presidents fly north

there are so many of us
on these rusty old bridges
six lane promises
to new fortunes
new lives
and permission
to one day stop

is there space there
for everyone?
no one slows down
no one waits
for an answer
because it’s weak
to brake

crashes are fatal
but the green presidents are running -
we’ll chase them for life.

You Are Loved

Those first hints of warmth
in the morning,
the first rays when they hit you,

they’ve been eight minutes
on their journey
and five billion years
in their making.

This heat has sought you
through a hundred million miles
of darkness
that knew no life.

Iz Mazano is a Zimbabwean poet who lives ucrrently in Western Massachsettes. His first book of poems will be published soon. It is inspired by the way technology shapes romantic relationships in the modern age.