deep ear to ground: Two Poems

{ deep ear to ground

& flowers growing like fingers into sky, beckoning—

a heart comes out of sky as blue as love, with skein of tremors opening its eye to us—

& heart sees heart like a beckoning—
like furred cheek meeting in sorrow in trance—

like roundness of drops from eye imprinted with flowers & all that is moving on earth—

like current moving in water, that is water, that is body, that is wind & sound that wind makes, that is birdcalls you can hear

& all forms collect here, on this ground

ancestors beam their love at us
ancestors like milk running on our faces

& sound cups our faces & drinks us in

sound’s breath
we’re breathing

we are elemental
of deep inhabiting

“e” in flame, head thrown back

like birds

when ash falls from our tongues, its own breeze calls out & we smile like morning about to sing itself into existence

i flip over an old leaf & in its venation, a name: mine

love crawls like an infant

what was said was a name spell, & leaf asked me to unhide—

who wrote us into leaves?
who can read us?

who held apart mouth of cave so we could enter, like bears?
who called out to glyphs of light on walls of cave?

who filled our eyes with charcoal to see pain of others?
of heart of tiger
who planted rice medicine, salt medicine, seed medicine?

whose songs tipped with metal of ash line our mouths?
who hears these songs? who wrote them into existence?

you live on wire like birds, your old souls see us in the bead of your eye

& thus unto wisdom we climb fences of our heart
& wave

in that vast ocean, sheshanaga uncoils

a time came when this was all that mattered

How We Emerge

(For my mother’s sister
O, my sister)

She is strong

He tells her, you are nothing

He slaps her
He curses her

She is proud
She can still smile
Eyes saucer-wide

She grows up
a beautiful 24 year old

Instead of authority, she has
a broken spirit

She quavers in-
side, she laughs

Some man, chosen
to be her husband—
has the money / has the politics—
chosen to crush
her soft vital
consecrated spirit

There, in dust,
I kneel before this
beautiful girl

Show her pieces of my own
that make my mosaic whole

Finger tucked in finger
we walk out

Others before us have made this choice
Walked out

We keep walking up mountain trails
where nightingale has ripped her heart from her chest & hung it from
a tree

We keep walking up to the mouth of Ganga

Our faces are raining
Collective waters

We draw faces of ancestresses in the waters

We are both beautiful
& life stretches ahead of us

We hold our strength inside, quiet

& when voices call us back
call for us from down there
below the mountain

we continue to walk up
we have a trail to follow

Of grandmothers
who with their sisal sticks
carve old faces into cordons of memory

Something about our own story
wakes up & turns
towards us with streaming eyes

We swim in the stream
spinning double helix

tales mutating into tales
tails flicking underwater
in molecular memory

We travel to the mouth
that first formed,
first spoke


We who tell the story
still live

What is remembered lives

This body remembers

Apex of mountain looks out on trees
Sometimes we hang upon branches
bodies effortless in wind

We are the ones
that scare terrors of night

Guard the village

unthanked, unknown

Then we rappel down
Then we return
to our bodies lying in the bed

When the call comes
to become the voice of ancestors
we who are hollowed
fill up
with hallow teeth

We are the ritual
not only of domesticity


Ash rolls on tongue
A pearl rolls on tongue

I curl it into a sound
you recognize
an ancient susurration

Mountain dreams

Mountain was growing
out of me
before I even learnt to crawl

Its paths lit & flowing
I dream of the mountain
& scoop strength into my belly

turn to live
in the world

flesh & bones
spirit collected
in roots
part-woman, part-nature
always emerging
seated on chaos
partner to form

Monica Mody is the author of Kala Pani (1913 Press) and two cross-genre chapbooks. Her poetry also appears in Poetry International, The Indian Quarterly, Eleven Eleven, Boston Review, and Yes Poetry, among other places. She has been the recipient of the Nicholas Sparks Postgraduate Writer-in-Residence Prize from the University of Notre Dame, Naropa's Zora Neale Hurston Award, and the Toto Funds the Arts Award for Creative Writing. Monica holds a PhD in East West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies, and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Notre Dame. She was born in Ranchi, India.