Walk Song


And therefore as fact

After the wind dropped

People gathered

Say that they assembled

As a body of persons

Say perhaps that they were intimate

Against the land


The way it lay

Walked through and drawn

As context

After the context

Laid out against the language

Left no option

People came.

Let’s call it walking

Towards the sun

With the sun and

Against the sun

Establishing a rhythm

As part of the process

In which the language

Might be thought to fold back

So that in talking

The terms return

And come back therefore

To the geography

The geography

To include Dartford

The geography to include


To include people

Occupying ground

Laid out and present

As particulars

Named perhaps

As part of the process

In which the magpie

Chatters back

As a kind of resolution

Observed as sound

Extrapolated out

In the name of politics


As people walk

Laid out against the sun

Across an ancient track.

As perhaps the morning sets out

And therefore the question forms

In walking

Since this is a dynamic

As the river widens

People watching the postindustrial

Fall into view


The way things go

Held out

Against the old dichotomy

Of sky set out against water

Establishing the landscape

As the ground curves back

As a kind of setting

Where people start

Or given perhaps

As the basis

Of an understanding


Under advisement

That walking is the last act.

Or if not final maybe

Taken back

The way a person

Registers experience

Witness perhaps

As part of the process

And then periodically

Taking stock

As the narrative

Draws back ground

And each time it is told

The geography alters

Adjusted again

Towards the horizon

As if in walking

They might not stop.

As if the way that people came

Or the way perhaps they

Carried their belongings

As the day lengthened

Towards a geography

No longer conceivable as map

Just people

Against the ground

Establishing terms

Against the discourse


Where the bodies

Against the language



Let me clarify

This is a local action

Like the morning

In which the bird song


The sky


Against the light

And setting out

A whole arrangement

Of people

Registered present

Establishing a discourse

The way the landscape lies.

To constellate the terms

I mean that people


The terms

Since it is plain

In the present moment

That to walk

Is to act


What people know

Strung out clear

Across the new geography

Witness against the border

Drawing the language


To a bearing

We might sustain

Written into the principle

Of movement

I name Rashid in this context

I name Kam

Visibly eloquent

Against the light

And for all the world



By way of evidence

Carrying the argument with them.

That a), people walk

Which is how the emphasis falls

In demonstration

Each step

A kind of guidance

So that the language

Might know the way

Not as discourse exactly

Just as fact

As a person steps up

Before the world.

But b), that standing

Was suddenly subject

To recognition.

So that a person

Rendered vulnerable

Say for instance walking across a field

Or in a city

Conscious exclusively

That the narrative had changed


Out of sight

Picking up just

Minimal possessions


In outline

Standing where the discourse



At the edge


Where we calculate


So that we woke one morning

Against the tree line

Only to find our horizon

Had been reset

The whole argument

Laid out as space

And persons figured

In isolation


Outside the language.

It was for this

That people walked.

That they gathered

And then

We slept

And the way the morning

Becomes an intention


Against the horizon

People followed each other

Across the plain

Out with

Not so much

Think of it like

Gathering to dance


Following movement




It comes back to an assertion:

That a person present

Carries an entitlement

Before the law

Laid down

Against the ground

Breathing openly

And softly


Among persons

Till the morning



The walk

Laid out evenly

Against the landscape


Like a syntax

That would begin to form


Lined up against the light

People openly

And softly


Like a proposition


Before the law.

Rendered present

Simply as fact

Like saying

“These trees are amazing”

Linked intricately

Against an environment

Laid out equally

Against the light

Which walking

I think maybe we understand

This person brave

And surely beautiful


By the earth’s dependency

Bearing geography

As political fact.

I think we recognize

This fact.

Maybe the way

A landscape

Registers its impression.

The way a person

Resting intermittently

Breathes heavily

Against the ground

Intimately even

As we start out

Leaving only the trees

Behind us

Exemplary of nothing

Only the way

A context sounds.

That people

Piece into place

Figure out

A network of prepositions

That one day


Might stand before the law

In the entirety of what they know

Call it

Degree zero



To the magnitude of their condition.

Towards which we angle against the land.

Standing by the coast in its impossible delicacy.


As water and sand

Give way

The ground

On which we sleep

People dreaming again

Towards tomorrow

All those

Complicated possibilities

That only people



Which is where perhaps

As such

With people recognized

As such

In the oldest action

Which we might call walking

People in solidarity

Along an ancient track


By the act

Which as the frequency leveled

We knew as listening

The language

As it is spoken

Called back.

I say it quietly

Knowing that only you

Will listen

Inward with the process

Surely for long enough

Intimate with the grounds

That only a complex

Of qualities

Susceptible always to alteration

Approximates a person

As such

Like love

Which varies

Both in its degree

As in its intensity

I call on Seth

In his magnificent eloquence

To teach us about love


Folded through a life

Articulated plainly and with dignity

Broken sometimes

Against the language

Even as it is uttered

Called back.

So that to walk

With stories

Is to come back to the geography

The ground

A person rests on

Arched backwards towards the sky


Not by love

But by memories of necessity

Communicated against the language

The way the landscape lies.

With people situated

As such

And therefore qualified

As such


As part of the process

A context equal to the scale

Or say the depth

Or say the extent

Or say just the physical intensity

Of a geography underwritten

By a person’s claim.

Pictured as a curve back towards the sun.

And pictured as people walking

Towards the sun.


In their solidarity

By an ancient track

As the terms are underscored

Written down as stones thereby

And rocks


Moving forwards

Carrying the language



But this is not a proposition

The rocks seal


However sweetly

In the sunshine
A person leans back

From the Latin

To persuade

As in soote


Echoed sweetly

Against the language

The walk

Is an act.

Physically disposed

Since what we have here is

Figures in a Landscape

Occupied as part of the process not

With where the franchise stops

Just following a line

Which in its disposition today

Constitutes an argument

Visible from the city

Dropping from the ridge

As it approaches the coast.

Capable of myth

But this is not mythography

No predecession

Completing a sequence

Situating a person

Where they come to stand

Just bearings

In the middle of an act

Taken with the person

You happened to stand next to


The possibilities

Plainly visible in relation to the land.

And therefore figured

In relation to a walk

And therefore figuring the landscape

In relation to a walk

Which is to say a person

Rendered present among persons

Figuring their relation

As a collective act

As in a frequency

Folded out toward the sound

In all its complexity

Unmistakable as bird song


Set out openly against the discourse

Picturing a language

Rendered capable of tact.

And sometimes equally laid out.

And not in any particular sequence.


As part of the process

Each one following

As the names come through

Some voice

Calling people back

Bearing almost exactly perhaps

The emphasis necessary


With respect

What is it

That you do

Walk Song was first published by Equipage, Cambridge, UK in 2018, and is reprinted here by kind permission.

David Herd’s collections of poetry include All Just (Carcanet 2012), Outwith (Bookthug 2012), and Through (Carcanet, 2016). He has given readings and lectures in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, India, Italy, Poland, the USA and the UK, and his poems, essays and reviews have been widely published in magazines, journals and newspapers. He is the author of John Ashbery and American Poetry (2000), Enthusiast! Essays on Modern American Literature (2007), and the editor of Contemporary Olson (2015). His recent writings on the politics of human movement have appeared in Detention Unlocked, Los Angeles Review of Books, Parallax, PN Review and the TLS. He is a co-organiser of the project Refugee Tales and Professor of Modern Literature at the University of Kent.